Kind Attention:

The postings in this blog are purely my personal views, and have nothing to do any commitment from Government, organization and other persons. The views in general respect all sections of society irrespective of class, race, religion, group, country or region, and are dedicated to pan-humanity. I sincerely apologize if any of my writing has hurt someone's sentiments even in the slightest way. Suggestions and comments are welcome.

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Poverty Discourse

Poverty Discourse

Today is Sunday – Time about 7:30 PM. I am in front bedroom sitting on bed in blanket. This is winter season & it is very cold outside. Since last few days after falling snow in Himachal and J&K, Delhi has become quite cold. I was reading in morning newspaper that 44 persons have died out of cold. Truly the rigor of any weather – winter, summer or rains falls more on the poor people which is very gloomy & killing. They are not in a position to protect them full. Many people live on footpaths & in shanties simply because they are poor, and cannot afford dignified living because they earn very low wages or are unemployed, and are unable to afford the minimum facilities for protection from nature’s furious effects. Often when sick, they cannot afford the bare doctor’s fees. Sometimes medical facilities are far and cannot simply reach there. There are many hardships that poor face. Often, they sustain because of being used to but in extreme situations, one has to suffer only.

Poverty is a very old phenomenon and in historical past, most population was poor leave apart the only few rich and kings etc. In stories we read, sometimes the kings were good and cared their subjects by donation or re-distribution of wealth, goods etc. In India, the practice of donation or daan has benefited many – particularly the priestly classes. In villages, the jajmani system also yielded some respite to the kaamgaars but that too at the time of harvests. In adversity also, there must have been occasions when rich helped their workers. But more or less, this charity system was only a miniscule part than that one’s real needs. In modern democratic world, people’s expectations-standards have raised and now one doesn’t want to remain with bare minimum. Seeing the developments around, he also wants to be benefited from the system. Truly each has right to live with dignity or raise to gain maximum from the world according to his/ her capabilities. But the system should also be encouraging so that all get chances to explore their capacities & take out best out of it. The system of what & how is a big question and needs answer. It should be good governance so that it is right, judicious, egalitarian-harmonious, encouraging, pro-active, distributive & duty-bound. It should be protector of the people’s rights and inculcate values in people’s lives. It should be educative rather than a mere punishing.

If duty-sense is developed in people’s mind, redoubtably each will do justice with his duties making more livable world, which is people-made only as is on date. It shall be still better if people aspire good, and emphasize on complementary role rather than leg-pulling. All have some weaknesses but should supplement that shortfall & not just engage in mouth-fouling or speaking ills. Strong & moral character of people is only the true harbinger of peace, progress, strength of nation. Other aspects e.g. education having correct & good notions about fellow citizens & support can help a lot. On giving choice to the people and the belief that their good work shall be rewarded, they shall certainly behave rightly based on surrounding & self-experiences. If one does not find not much truth in such attempts, then may choose wrong path or deliberately doesn’t give his best for society’s sake. One reason for our backwardness is laziness or stillness of minds, and not being activity-oriented. Often, we even don’t know what should we do or whether done one is correct or not. In such situations, real progress can’t be achieved. We need to leave boredom and do something right. Correct-identification is difficult task but our pre-occupations, notions, education & social norms impact in shaping our personalities. So unknowingly only we remain half-developed, amoral, just-satisfied with inferior present, and suffer others’ treacheries/ contempt or ill-notions in every-day lives of poor-environment without much faults. We become suppressed/depressed – not having enough courage to bring dignity or honors to our lives.

Who shall lift these poor-soul people from their slumber, self-clad weaknesses, unworthiness, low self-esteem or other such notions? Question is big – but the answer is also simple. It is only we are to educate people that they are second to none and have every right to progress in their lives. They are not superiors or inferiors to others – just being equals with others. Whatever inequality we see, it is just outside-clad. Your soul is as strong as it should be. Living with worldly wisdom or cleverness is one thing but from inside we are the same. It is we only who can shape our beings & fellow beings. I want to see this confidence on every face but just not falsely amused in self but also finding in its way to improve his worthiness inch by inch every moment, every day. Good reading can make us some worthier in thinking & analyzing selves – whether we are correct or not. We should endeavor to identify selves, and should just not sit idle and weep on our past & presents and seeing no hope for future. I want to be hopeful but action-orientation shall be its base. If I am moving in correct direction, then approach is correct. I am strengthening & developing the self more sagaciously each day, and hence there is no reason that future will be bright only. This is my life’s philosophy.

World-poverty can be eradicated with the help of governments. Distributive approach of rich people having big hearts to respect their fellow beings, minimum human rights e.g. minimum wages/ facilities to workers & raising their life-standards, self-progress by people also to make the world more-livable. Confidence in average people is necessary that they are not here to suffer only and have right to progress in their lives. Society should support the needy & lead all towards progress. The topic of progress & eradicating poverty of facilities and minds is great and I am very much humble in exploring in that. Although I have tried but how much it is correct is yet to be judged. But my heartfelt intention is that very person has right to progress and the govt. / society should give opportunities to enable all to stand on own feet so that others’ support is least required. The false charity should go but right based distributive help should make lives of all more livable.

Pawan Kumar,
21st September, 2019 Time 7:34 P.M. (Evening)
(from my dairy 16th December, 2007)

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Brighter Side

Brighter Side

Everybody imbues in daily problems, never is a static time
Many are perturbed being there, few able can see beyond.

Life is absolute engrossing in daily mundane-trivial affairs
One cannot be enlightened by remaining in such deluges.
You have seen actors-performers on screen-play theaters
They make you laugh, weep, gale, sorrowful, revealing etc.

They're also human beings going through all ups & downs
Also are  prone to all failures & daily mischiefs by others.
In media leaders are rebuked by all good & bad bite sorts
But not-wavered, hardy man goes on working, bearing all.

Surgeons  in operation theaters so attentively do  happily
They also face all sorts of issues around but still continue.
Don’t stall world’s activities by in-actions or mis-concepts
Show must go on at all scenes, own problems not to fail.

Forgetting self, great authors write so fine on all subjects
With all upheavals around, find a time away from tumults.
In Mahabharata, Krishna inspires Arjuna by Gita's gospel
Men enrage, war in sight, but sage comes soothing spirit.

All imbue strife in world, but one can’t stay in commotions
Life’s deliriums are at one side, in actual we have to work.
Many fine nuances too exit in present, try hard to venture
One develops with big picture, mistakes too teach precious.

The labourer works in field, fully engrossed in manual work
May be some problem in mind, but sowing is core purpose.
World is not kind on weepers, in good spirits with who work
Good cultures support morality, meaning common interest.

Why only one type of writing when many fields wait to heed
Come out of problems, mis-concepts, theories & misgivings.
May be you're correct, similarly others might be in that state
Aim  is not to win rightness contest, get some light for self.

Lying on  arrows-bed, Bhishma sermons in Bhishma-Parva
 In this Mahabharata’s fin text, Pitamaha gospels from heart.
By keeping away selfish, men feel responsible to humanity
His ways now extra-ordinary, sincere & attention is  loftiest.

In Sanyasa Ashram in past, men left homes to roam freely
Now world’s citizens, own family-guilds & states don’t bind.
They touch fine realms of thought & speak free for humanity
Inhibition is fine but child’s curiosity - harbinger to knowledge.

This indomitable intent to cherish absolute is inner space field
One often fails or stalls, but efforts in selves are praise-worthy.
Gaining high knowledge is hard, needs interplay with worthies
And taking to fields beyond immediate worries  to earn merit.

No relegation of problems,  find solution to a respected level
Also imbibe minimum energy to free you for noble-big causes.
Solve immediate amicably, they shouldn’t steal bread & butter
Save some mind’s morsels to feed high & life's ecstatic realm.

Think as a writer or sculptor or gardener or preacher or actor
Troubles will always be there, but some core is to be saved.
Elevation to one’s higher realms is the goal of life’s journey
Churn deep in fine thoughts, pen them to leave good legacy.

So enthuse to see brighter side, channelize energy for better
Fill each moment with a dear aim, inefficiency has no grace.
Be supported by nature’s justice, its rules govern all domains
Steadfast in resolutions & move on always for good causes.

Pawan Kumar,
10th September, 2019 Time 18:40 Evening
(From My Mahendergarh dairy 15th July, 2015 Time 9:48 A.M.)

Sunday, 25 August 2019

Filial Duties

Filial Duties

Let me connect to roots, they are my necessities also
Cannot ignore the dear ones, plus have born in them.

There are surely filial duties, though at times we opine
We take others are uninterested, why then to 1st step in.
They also think similarly, have own judgement to count
When mutual-response lack, we diminish in own ghettos.

Life is short, ignorantly we simply do away living ones
After man is permanently passed, we even cannot blame.
Can fight with even strong in front, with weak is cowardly
Strengthen relations, one is always in some position to help.

Many fields are of dear ones, some live pathetic in penury
We can help bit but doing nothing, only wish insufficient.
Coming from them, a bit successful, we can do a possible
For dying fish even tiny morsel is a boon, small helps also important.

If we can live in present moments, can hope for next also
By scaling current drudgeries, may handle well future too.
Though self-help is important, may be also need at times
They also come suo-moto, duty to soothe environments.

Know help, all grow with family’s support & guidance
Do parents wait till we ask, silently fulfill their parts?
They rear, teach lessons, feed-clothe, grow into standing
No expectation, but we silently turn backs when they need.

Joint families dying at least in cities, nuclear is current vogue
People have own problems, leave homes due to job-business.
Parents don’t stay with children when grown up & married
Being busy in own family realms, forget roots coming from.

We often are alike while dealing with even dearest ones
And ignore parents when live, forget after forever gone.
Could gale their hearts, but don’t know living art much
Remain sad, make others too, negativity germinates in.

We suspect even parents that they are biased towards us
Or think inclined towards other siblings, shower all love.
And that could help us too, but did nothing due to reasons
Have no time-energy for us, so how can we be all-devoted?

We only perceive things or persons, not truly what they are
And listen only we want, though know well much is correct.
Being selfish, absorbed in volitions, others seem frivolous
Respect till are important, or ignore being not of much use.

Man - cunny in relations, ignores even mother who gave birth
Leaves father-siblings, shows core selfish-opportunistic way.
What would have occurred, had they ignored when we needed
We crouch contextually, other times behaves as Omnipotent.

Many well-wishes are with us for bringing in present position
Why to ignore charities, directly or indirectly showered upon?
Bit success shouldn’t make mirthful, recognize own duties too
Step out of comfort zone & see reality, you still are in dear ones.

Connect together deeply, and understand in correct contexts
Chase fields which can ameliorate the related poor situations.
Do step out to help dear ones who need but not asking shyly
Recognize & share a little with them at least what you have.

Pawan Kumar,
25th August’2019 Time 7:49 P.M. Evening
(From My Dairy 2nd March, 2017 Time 8:44 A.M.)

Saturday, 18 May 2019

Blank Dairy

Blank Dairy 

How I pass time in spare moments, is it full use or just time pass
In this life people do amazingly, I have not much reflected yet.

Office duty hours are same for all; but limitation in personal use
What I do when free, enough time available for self-development.
Much song is embedded in, but not coming out because of inactivity
Reading poetry couplets or some book & posting a few is what I do.

What BIGGEST can think for self, often docile in before sleep-hours
Why don’t achieve cherished goals, projects in hand not completed.
Just one rejection or turn down & sitting silently, how will move ahead
Publish Kalidasa work immediately, besides Kadambari typing & editing.

Further edit old blogs into more readable, present as many of them
Little achievements pave further success, big is made of morsels.
My moments constitute full life, but must be spent purposefully
So attend such tidbits regularly, these will only turn you to great.

Learn to wait also for appropriate opportunity, but not for action
Background music should always be on, self-activity not at halt.
People do marvelous on daily basis, always creating this or that
I should also think to build, accumulating will give good results.

I must sit in correct posture; erectness fills vigor in body-mind
Words evoke self-confidence; surely can come out of lazy-self.
Let awareness of higher realms be the key to long-term success
Then make use of that precious entity & raise to greater heights.

Self-consciousness realizes us, where stood in life’s moments
Very few moments like this are availed, catch daily to push further.
When not satisfied just as with this life, we try to better use of self
Ultimate aim is to create a better-self by process of conscious action.

Life is like this dairy, next pages are blank but only dates & lines
How much life can I fill in them, the only test of my personality.
Though all words are not equally powerful, but self-vigor must reflect
Action field is mainly to perform duty to self, result obvious better.

I read a following quote yesterday night & posted on Facebook also:
‘Educated doesn’t mean you simply know a lot, but how to do a lot.
Those who know how to take action are educated.’
Some further good quotes which I now I read, share for all's benefit.

‘We are constantly transforming. As we grow, our comfort zone grows with us.' 
‘Most men lead lives of quiet desperation & go to grave with still song in.’
‘Only way to properly change is to plug into source greater than yourself.’
‘It doesn’t matter where you’re, compare now with where you can go.’

Zig Zaglar says ‘You can’t be what you need to be by remaining what you’re.’
Aristotle said ‘Educating mind without educating heart is no education at all.’
Buddha says, ‘No one saves but ourselves, we must ourselves. Walk the path.’
Gandhi says, ‘You must be the change you wish to see in the world.’

‘There’re not 7 wonders of world in a child’s eyes. They are 7 million.’
‘The greatest virtues are those which are the most useful to other people.’
‘Reality can destroy the dream, why shouldn’t dream destroy reality.’
‘The darkest hours hold for us the brightest dreams.’ 

Henry Ford says, ‘Most people get ahead during time that others waste.’
Nelson Mandela says, ‘It always seems impossible until it is done.’

 W. Blake sings, ‘To see a world in a grain of sand & heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.’
Thomas Edison says, ‘Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.
Most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.’

‘You can either complain roses have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses.’
Keep pursuing to make it bigger. It is the only way not to be such again.’
‘Everything heals, you heart heals, mind heals, wounds heal.
Your happiness is always going to come back - bad times don’t last.’

W. Anderson says, ‘Our lives improve only when we take chances,
the first & most difficult risk we can take, is to be honest with ourselves.’
Abraham Lincoln says, ‘My great concern is not whether you’ve failed,
but whether you are content with your failure.’

‘Love is better than anger, hope better than fear,
Optimism better than despair, so let us be loving, hopeful & optimistic.’
‘The best time to start something was 10 years ago. Next best fine is now.
Enough regretting the past and do what you can right now.’

Jim Rohn says, ‘Take advice, not orders. When it comes to taking action,
make rule that what you are doing is product of your own conclusion.’
Colin Powell says, ‘There are no secrets to success. 
It is the result of preparation, hard work & learning from failures.’

‘You never do anything in this world without courage.
It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honour.’
‘Your age doesn’t define your maturity; 
schooling not intelligence, and rumors not who you’re.’

Henry Thoreau says, ‘It is the marriage of soul with Nature
that makes the intellect fruitful, and gives bliss to imagination.’ 
John Wooden says, ‘You can’t live a perfect day without doing something
for more someone who will never be able to repay you.’

‘The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire,
size of your dream, and how you handle disappointment along the way.’
‘Life becomes more meaningful when you realize the simple fact
that you’ll never get the same moment twice.’

Monk Batterson says, ‘Only way to predict future is to create it,
you make it happen by not regretting the past, start learning from it.’
Varionica Shoffstall says, ‘Plant your own garden & decorate soul,
instead of waiting for someone to bring your flowers.’

Pawan Kumar,
18th May, 2019 Time 21:14 Evening
(From my  Mahendergarh dairy dated 28.02.2017, Tuesday, 6:31 A.M.)

Saturday, 16 February 2019

Leveller World

Leveller World

World is an amazing apparatus, encompasses many realms in
Being a great equalizer, slowly soothes hard agonies of times.

All good-bad happen around always, we're mere mute spectators
Unable to react realizing much beyond, remain in tight situations.
Then we are not expressive, just meditate what best can be done
Sometimes frustrate, over-react, but that is counter-productive.

But 2 great virtues patience & courage lead to face adversities
Optimism that can tread difficulty & no situation is permanent.
If good days always don’t remain with, bad ones will also pass
Time’s wheel experiences all types; be equanimous in all situations.

No situation is bad or good per se, latter gives us choice pleasures
Bad ones are great teachers too, tell weakness before great designs.
Many things go on in background & we're caught unawares often 
Though hint for likely happenings, but we remain just all is fine.

There are many factors not in hand, definitely on few we can react
None likes excuses, but sincerity & word of mouth go a long way.
You are definitely helped to extent possible, when worth is proved  
None is friend or enemy, only yours a set image determines future.

Surely make a space, there is flexibility to know how to ingress
Adjust self in a great system, help in its working to the optimum.
Support it & don't weaken, acts will accumulate noble for you
All like a delivering & people’s men, we remain in them only.

Survival in hard world is tight, but tactics keep on life moving
Knowing is important & must-learn, a pleasant journey with.
Fitting in odd situation is often difficult, shun also if very bad 
But all can’t be as per us & correct, learn correct from others.

At one point we think to know best & can decide all in stakes
But know correct position in big canvas of cosmos’s working.
Just living in own is not beneficial; should be an action-guy
Many big-small in systems are serious, all not bad as assumed.

If need excellent results, give people a pat & deal respectfully
They aren't that insensitive that will not understand intentions.
They also fear of God, world is basically our own echo only
When smile, it smiles-returns back, good produces good only.

But what is that good per se, it is what consumed by all positive
It enriches men both body & soul and always bless in disguise.
When we win people’s hearts, they automatically help to full  
But when remain in own dark-world, nobody can bring to light.

World has all types of people, thoughts, books, customs & ways
Not necessarily all will match, try how much life can be smooth.
So try to find we-like good situations, and adjust in the odd ones
Understand others’ ways too, there may also be other contexts.

Sometimes one ideology seems a forceful & others are at bays
But things are always temporal, they erupt & settle as bubbles.
What we believe is our philosophy & can find resemblance with
But one must know correct things, life not gives many chances.

One should seriously learn & approach to the world’s rightness 
Those who work hard with are like Aristotle, Buddha, or Plato.
Krishna too a learning-action philosopher, soothes in all contexts
But what we adopt is our archive, so work hard to learn by hearts.

Definitely there're life stages & we sometimes face hard to work
When of own don’t boost, then external forces goad to behave.
If not vigilant we stumble more, while may trace many excuses
People may lamely sympathize so this is own life, handle it well.
I don’t say people are bad per se, but have several tasks to do
They give time as available & serious & of triviality known to.
Be cautious in asking help, people help but secretly can amuse
But sometimes genuine also help so there is no harm in trying.

Hard times give lessons & we start respecting life a little more
When have a very less in hand, become spend-thrifts in habits.
We know our nuisance has value & can be done away with job
Then repentance only is in scenario & times never come back.

One should be sincere in daily life, do his best to prove fitting
After that nature does justice & takes care to possible extent.
Day’s slackness or oddity affects negatively the environment
Gives a bad feeling to self & others, it is in our hand to avoid.

Do justice what is in reach, must know how & when to react
Don’t unnecessarily waste other’s time, to the point in talks.
Be sweat & respectful, when dealing with wise & powerful
Each step is meaningful & do apologize if mistakes happen.

Humility, man's great quality, keeps self always in positive state
Others can’t ignore sincerity forever, though rogues roost world.
Even then one should be a good person, as that is of self-interest
You can’t live in fear-suspicion, world’s all things are behind you.

So world - a great leveler, flows with time gives all a chance - gift 
How we receive, materials everywhere but few create civilizations.
Adopt skills & tools of efficiency & learn good ways for survival
Respecting - a great virtue, suo moto raises to elevated platform.

Pawan Kumar,
17th February, 2019 Time 01:30 Night
(From my dairy 5th April, 2017 Time 9:07 A.M.)