Filial Duties
Let me connect to roots, they are my necessities also
Cannot ignore the dear ones, plus have born in them.
There are surely filial duties, though at times we opine
We take others are uninterested, why then to 1st
step in.
They also think similarly, have own judgement to count
When mutual-response lack, we diminish in own ghettos.
Life is short, ignorantly we simply do away living ones
After man is permanently passed, we even cannot blame.
Can fight with even strong in front, with weak is cowardly
Strengthen relations, one is always in some position
to help.
Many fields are of dear ones, some live pathetic in penury
We can help bit but doing nothing, only wish
Coming from them, a bit successful, we can do a possible
For dying fish even tiny morsel is a boon, small helps
also important.
If we can live in present moments, can hope for next also
By scaling current drudgeries, may handle well future too.
Though self-help is important, may be also need at
They also come suo-moto, duty to soothe environments.
Know help, all grow with family’s support &
Do parents wait till we ask, silently fulfill their parts?
They rear, teach lessons, feed-clothe, grow into standing
No expectation, but we silently turn backs when they
Joint families dying at least in cities, nuclear is current
People have own problems, leave homes due to job-business.
Parents don’t stay with children when grown up & married
Being busy in own family realms, forget roots coming
We often are alike while dealing with even dearest
And ignore parents when live, forget after forever gone.
Could gale their hearts, but don’t know living art much
Remain sad, make others too, negativity germinates in.
We suspect even parents that they are biased towards
Or think inclined towards other siblings, shower all
And that could help us too, but did nothing due to
Have no time-energy for us, so how can we be all-devoted?
We only perceive things or persons, not truly what they
And listen only we want, though know well much is correct.
Being selfish, absorbed in volitions, others seem frivolous
Respect till are important, or ignore being not of much
Man - cunny in relations, ignores even mother who gave
Leaves father-siblings, shows core selfish-opportunistic
What would have occurred, had they ignored when we needed
We crouch contextually, other times behaves as Omnipotent.
Many well-wishes are with us for bringing in present
Why to ignore charities, directly or indirectly showered
Bit success shouldn’t make mirthful, recognize own duties
Step out of comfort zone & see reality, you still are
in dear ones.
Connect together deeply, and understand in correct
Chase fields which can ameliorate the related poor
Do step out to help dear ones who need but not asking shyly
Recognize & share a little with them at least what
you have.
Pawan Kumar,
25th August’2019 Time 7:49 P.M. Evening
(From My Dairy 2nd March, 2017 Time 8:44 A.M.)