Benign Hopes
Look beyond immediate boundaries & what hides in future
What novelties are possible in it, by working on the present.
What is this possible world, can you also pursue something
People are busy day & night, and enliven their own designs.
But all not with noble intentions, some play crookedness too
If sagacious do not act, evil forces will do other way round.
Intelligent and aspirant people pursue theologies they prefer
They want to influence world as if they’re the most powerful.
Some thoughts they imbue, and do everything to spread them
We are the best writer, speaker, leader, thinker, teacher or so.
Everybody is busier in disseminating their own propagandas
Though works merely a little hard, not necessarily right also.
World is result of trials by the ambitious, but never is an ideal
Many maladies germinate as selfish try to goad all scenarios.
But some are well- wishers, vie for world’s genuine concerns
Admittedly are few
& not all powerful, so play only a petty role.
Though try best hard to change lives as maximum as possible
But need to approach people, who aren’t adequately placed.
Who are present day’s leaders & how much they’ve influence
Some political systems seem ideal but are dissenting-internal.
May be few laws seem ideal, but they are like elephant’s tusks
Not much biting power, commoner’s life is not much benefited.
Good intentions and implementation bring smiles on poor faces
But poverty is like disease in society, though has many factors.
Mainly lack of equal opportunities, & people’s own pessimisms
Some light is seen at times, but poor has to cross many hurdles.
Those enabled to turn successful, certainly transform life styles
And slowly forget their pasts, now are with other level people.
They assume now own men as non-diligent & of average habits
Also of lacking higher pursuits & mismanaging their life-affairs.
Certainly for pleasant future, one needs consistent improvements
And see how others have improvised their lives over all periods.
Truly you’re brave, just make up minds & come out of drudgeries
Also dedicate selves in noble pursuits, & soothing others as well.
Arvind Adiga’s ‘The White Tiger’ weaves a person’s struggle tale
Though not using all fair means, but vies not remaining destitute.
The captivating hen’s coop is powerful, coming out not so smooth
But well resolved & consistent efforts, can convert one successful.
World is an album of all story types, positive ones open our sights
Able men with sheer zeal & hard work, develop beautiful gardens.
They first dream projects in minds, do while to convert into realities
And associate like-minded ones, it is more than one person’s job.
Seek good counsel of near stalwarts, imbibe high noble dreams
Look for benign shape world can take, and role you can perform.
Be a machinery in its aims, good revivals are merely a little away
Many small dots join to make up great, your efforts will not waste.
Look into own people’s conditions, & good hopes you can bring
You approach with big hearts, help in raising high expectations.
Small helps play great services, so aspire for world’s equanimity
Yes, scientific progress also comes, bring many positive changes.
Envision great hopes here, educate true pursuits to self & needy
Imbue high positive values, enable them to see own good future.
Pawan Kumar,
23rd December, 2022, Friday, 9.12 A.M.
(From My Dairy 10th April’ 2015, Friday, 09:37 A.M.)