Kind Attention:

The postings in this blog are purely my personal views, and have nothing to do any commitment from Government, organization and other persons. The views in general respect all sections of society irrespective of class, race, religion, group, country or region, and are dedicated to pan-humanity. I sincerely apologize if any of my writing has hurt someone's sentiments even in the slightest way. Suggestions and comments are welcome.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Mind's Ramblings & Cravings

Mind's Ramblings & Cravings

Deep into my mind, I crave for variety
Life is of many aspects, so aspire curiosity.

Necessity is to go for multi-dimensional,
And broadening scope with many faceted.
Mind craves not only the single realm,
But ever diverse & broad-visional.

Broaden horizon of mind to a large extent
See many aspects of even the little issue.
Colors it is having of many shades
Layers it keeps hidden beneath top skin.

Don’t rely on the apparent look only
Try to go into depth to know true history.
Don’t only be the consummator of day
But venture into details to know truth.

Don’t let the mind to get easily satisfied
Open its reins to move multi-directional.
Try to uncover the covered stuff
And gain some knowledge of true nature.

Don’t give up even if you understand less,
Have strong urge to learn the truth.
Things seem very simple though are not so
And take many ways to reach present status.

Enter into world of enlightened ones,
And experience the ecstasy of learning.
Path in beginning may be slightly tough
But on becoming habit, turns into working mode.

Be explorer of things, time, history and technologies
Why to satiate when there is so much to learn?
For you billions of concepts, issues are untouched
But world is more understandable than ever before.

May not be a good writer and without home work,
Even then try to forth views into your own words.
Everybody cannot be a Byron or Tennyson
But none stops to sketch with your paper & pen.

Write & write even for the sake of repetition
But try honestly to sketch the correct stuff.
Erudite you become with knowledge & experience
So hesitate not to inscribe in any stage you are in.

Life is a process and you are not same in all times
But each aspect has its own state & charm.
So go on expressing wherever you exist
Feats bring treasures which one not thinks often.

Pen is a self-writer & beholder is only medium
And his efforts & initiatives bear the new creations.
So always be ready with your stuff & tools,
May be it is not much acceptable to others.

So far I wrote for self, and not much for others
But that self-journey is also very enchanting.
Living own life knowing its strengths & weaknesses
And strong urge to win over the difficulties.

Give up lethargies physical-mental & brood infinity
Experience eternity & embrace the great ones.
Many are successful in this writing business,
And some really enter into class of self-actualized.

Be not an arm-chair intellectual but strive for a cause
Do some good and make life easy for at least few ones.
Have a feeling of universal bond,
Keep touch with everything and that is yours.

Try to know unknown from the known sources,
But bother not others first and try to find own path.
Motivate others also to relish path, if they can
As that will awaken from slumber of dependence.

So much around, and resources are enormous
Only zeal is required to make them yours’ own.
You will be more enlightened being then
And probably gain name, fame & fortune precious.

Strongly crave great, and richness is hidden in self
Relish the best of world and taste their essence.
Your heart and mind are the greatest assets
So take care of them better than anything else.

Greatness is not sudden but is a process
Just start and results will follow automatically.
Keep iron hot to avail the awaiting opportunities,
And align self for higher pursuits of the life.

What shade you want to give yourself,
What shape is wanted for the backward ones?
What good you can bring to them
What training is needed to take world’s challenges?

Create training infrastructure to fill up the development gap
Intend to come out of poor, menial, economic & social status.
Do not easily satiate with the limited success
And aspire high glories & efforts to pursue them.

Lives change not much by mere thinking & preaching
Real help is needed for the positive transformations.
Wish to see smiles on the saddened faces,
And do something for their status change.

Glow minds by doing away their darkness
Show way to do away the hardships.
Life is to win over the difficulties,
Show them it can be done, and is possible.

Start mechanisms to help the people
For realizing potentials and are self-dependency.
Mostly it is fight with self-created limitations,
So allow no self-mercy & also on others.

Live as a man as lady in the Statue of Liberty,
Enlightened self to fully know a person’s rights.
Have zeal to positively interact with others
And leave best impressions on known things.

Admittedly world has adversities & conspiracies,
But they cannot demean the body’s strong will.
We shall overcome, and we do believe
And will not stop at little hardships.

Why one should shy away from struggles
They will only strengthen and polish the lives.
There are no reasons to weep on the limitations
Pray for courage to overcome any dreaded stuffs.

Don’t give up but look ahead and more ahead,
Look to the best ones, and how they accomplished.
Admittedly one has individuality & emulation is not easy
But that doesn’t stop you to shine in own way.

Big challenge is to make others your own,
Speak sweetly and respect their feelings.
Make them believe you truly desire their good,
And initiate positive as people are generally status quoits.

Few pursue real changes though many simply want so,
Many even don’t know life beyond the immediate present.
So difficulty is how to align people for the hard work
And see life’s greatness, far grander than present.

Personal change is difficult but can succeed if pursued
But social changes require real courage and pains.
Success is imminent in the personal case
But it is hard task to awaken the masses.

It is not the awakening for a day or two
But is to make it a habit permanent.
It is not one or two, but the whole masses
Who always change faces, and need persistent efforts.

Changes are effective only when strong & continuous
Their purpose is specific suiting to people’s needs.
But often people don’t know their ignorance
So require constant enlightenment & training.

But knowing this entire one, one has a pious duty
To do something positive for the people.
Helping to realize that they can live like a man
And can pursue self-pursuits dear to them.

There is some progress but still more is to done
That they produce many souls having ability to inspire.
Need is to produce many enlightened minds,
And many good engineers, doctors & other professionals.

That they become good orators, writers & industrialists
And good politicians, administrators, thinkers & philosophers.
That they become psychiatrists, poets, and story-men
And craftsmen, artists, painters, actors, sculptors & architects.

That they become astronomers, scientists, educators and chemists,
And importantly the scientifically tempered human beings.
They come out of their ignorance, ill habits & superstitions
and be strong enough to see the world face to face.

They become duty-bound, disciplined citizens,
And contributors to society, not just the dependents.
They should be comfortable in their economic status,
And enjoy the life’s conveniences as others.

They should realize that world has enough for them,
That they have strengths to come up of their own.
That they deserve to avail opportunities available
And are well prepared to benefit them.

They become good humans with concern for others
And know the world & respect different cultures.
They don’t regard others as enemies,
But as the only mortals working in own way.

They should know that it is all education & training,
And will enable to take world’s challenges.
They should come out of their unskilled stage,
And come into the category of skilled ones.

They need to make them apt to take challenges
And prepared to help the world at cross-roads.
They should be able to do away own prejudices
And be strong enough to ignore others’ such faults.

They must know only strong ones can forgive
They should forget their only not-very glorious past.
But their legacies they must be proud of
And realize in hearts of being not-second to none.

Loss & gain are the faces of same coin
Leave the unnecessary stuff, and cherish the essence.
Realize present stuff, and plan for improvements
And be ready for the life’s best experiences.

So there is nothing to despair of
World has progressed a lot for sake of good.
Time is opportune, and pick up world’s nerve
Change self and course of history as well.

Questions are big but solutions are simple
Only strong urge and honesty can pursue big dreams.
Then almighty is with you to make successful
And you will definitely overcome, I do believe.

Pawan Kumar,
1st July’2014 Time 23:26 Mid-night
( From my Dairy 31st March’2013 Time 21:26 night)