Commitments and Actions
Man must remember his
commitments, not to unnecessarily drag issues
One forgets others too
helped when he was beseeching, & faith dithers.
It is sarcastic a man
continues filling his quotas, but ignores others’ needs
He is basically a selfish
& plays clever, and remains busy in own motives.
He must honor his words: it
builds enduring relations he may need further
Breaking chain disrupts
things & others sulk, won’t respond when needed.
Man should not falsely
promise, and definitely not give hopes not keepable
Failing then develops
unnecessary acrimonies, & relations die themselves.
Others suspect him also
badly; workflow slows down & efficiency is marred
Good policy is to act minus
hoping in exchange in general, be above pitfalls.
No to false hopes, rather
our commitments must usher actions on ground
No loose things but keep
tight, people believe don’t just in simply words.
General rule is to monitor
issues closely & fill gaps early so as to make up
Others too further commit
programmes based on what you’ve committed.
One should be fair in
dealings, pro-active in tasks assigned & agreed upon
Develop facilities at the
earliest possible, then benefits spread themselves.
Life blooms with real hard
work on ground, and all concerned get satisfied
So no to lethargies &
slipping targets, as there is no time to make up even.
One must learn to act in
rough weathers, it ensures next smooth & cheerful
No complacency or just miracle-beliefs,
but efforts & real action-steps taken.
Tightening is detrimental
too, loose strings of lute don’t resonate good music
Come out of your pitfalls
& adopt best practices, tighten milieu for efficiency.
We fasten in many
commitments given to public, believing in others’ words
Yes, we bear moral
responsibilities on different fronts, and try best to fulfill.
One requires more sincerity
in tasks assigned, raise to occasion of success
Every day is important, so
be more productive and show actual good results.
Pawan Kumar,
23rd July,
2023, Sunday, Time 4:27 P.M.
(From my
Dairy 20th June, 2023, Tuesday, 8.13 A.M.)