Kind Attention:

The postings in this blog are purely my personal views, and have nothing to do any commitment from Government, organization and other persons. The views in general respect all sections of society irrespective of class, race, religion, group, country or region, and are dedicated to pan-humanity. I sincerely apologize if any of my writing has hurt someone's sentiments even in the slightest way. Suggestions and comments are welcome.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Recording Events & Human Limitations :

Recording Events & Human Limitations

It is night time of today i.e. 6th January' 2000. I am again writing in this dairy after a long gap. Though it remains with me all the times and I intend to write frequently, writing becomes possible only when mind is ripe. Sometimes other reasons being very important and urgent overpower, and the important task of writing goes in the back stage. But I think that if dairy is written regularly, it can certainly keep a better record of the daily happenings and the thought processes. While writing, many new things start reflecting in mind quite amazingly. It is a better thinking process involving both thinking and writing simultaneously. Our writing reflects whether we are some real stuff or just try to enthuse selves. 

Many a times, we are just mired with tiredness, tardiness, unwillingness which makes us quite deviant from an ideal situation we should adopt. Sometimes practical requirements make the results different from what we had planned. But do we really plan or even think to plan? The planning itself is not a goal but a requirement to better manage the whole life through implementing & controlling the things. But can we do as machines? Certainly great accomplishments require great sacrifices & experiments which men of the highest order always try. Bertrand Russell used to write daily almost 2000-3000 words not for the sake of writing but to experience the finest through the mind. I think that I generally write so as to explore what I call myself. I want to dive deep into realms of the perceptions which my mind can achieve. My mind is not just an organ enclosed in skull but really remains busy in its work, and one shall be declared non-living without if it does not work. I need to train it for 'free-thinking' meaning forming opinions on the basis of reasons, independent of authority or tradition, etc. It should not just mire in average leisurely working, tiring with very low output. For good output, I thought to impart the best inputs to it. 

I need to plan my life. There are plans - five yearly, yearly, six-monthly, quarterly, monthly or daily or so. I need to think and plan for me and family life after 5, 10, 20 years or so. Similarly it can be for progress of the community, society or country. I am studying Management which can throw some light not only for managing own life but also of our families and societies. I need to use my education to make my office environment more efficient, and bring some positive attitudinal changes so as to improve the overall performance, credibility and operation. There are many questions but do not stop, find some more. Involve your colleagues to explore as the right questions can only lead to right solutions. Though improving work environment is not my personal problem but being one organ of the department, I also owe some responsibility to find solutions to its problems. One is to build a team building and involve as many as possible. Try to implement techniques / philosophies of management studies. Do not accept defeat even before venturing. Be innovative and try to convert ideas into results. This will certainly contribute a lot to the efficiency and your own uplifting into your eyes. 

From the last writing, enough time has become history. Though not being in any one's control, people may define it in their own ways but time has its own process. Over the time, the remembrance of past gradually fades from people's minds as other current issues become more important. Moreover the events remain unknown to most of the people. Whatever we know from newspapers, magazines, etc. is just a gist of the happenings. Many events remain unreported. Everyone has very limited time and it is impossible to go through all the events happened even in single day. In fact, our own lives in themselves are happenings only. We are what we experience, but many a times that is also not recorded. We are not perfect in ourselves, and may not have time for this recording. Then only the current knowledge is not sufficient - you are to know the past and trends leading to the future. No one can fathom how much past has already passed and what percentage of that is recorded. How much do we know about that? Similarly is the projection about future likely to come. 

We know our very vast universe has evolved after 15 billion years ago event ’Big Bang'. Our Solar system is  a small part of the Milky way galaxy, one of some 200 billion galaxies of universe. For us, our solar system is very vast. We, as man, have just landed hitherto only on moon, though experiments are on for Mars and after sometime we should tour there. Our space shuttles like Voyager etc. have tried to scan our system but seeing the vast distances between stellar bodies, the speed of shuttles or rockets is very low. Then man's life itself is very much finite and when the universe's limits are in billion light years - then how man sitting on small planet of Earth can venture through it fully? Question is big. So my submission is that - our knowledge is very much limited. We do not know whether there are any habitable worlds besides our blue planet Earth. We do not whether there are any other universes besides ours. When we are not able to venture within ours one, can there be possibility to find others or we guess their presence.

On our earth even, life is not so easy. There are many disciplines-new inventions, explorations, findings or so on. Human Genome Project is one where some 3 billion DNA locations are to be found. We do not know many of the human diseases. We are not able to communicate in other animals' languages. We have some understanding of large form animals but not of all, and how do they communicate. We have many micro-organisms in our earth - land, water and atmosphere, how do they respond? As we see or observe them - do they also observe us similarly? I do not say man has not progressed but is that progress known to everyone or can one just know all the things in his entire life. Certainly not, because field is very vast and we have very limited life span. But that should not dissuade us from trying to know the world as that would mean death- death of all inventions, innovations, our own soul even. I read a quotation from Carl Sagan's book saying, 'I shall prefer knowing a single cause than to reign over the land'. So inquisitiveness, inquiring, curiosity, willingness, trying, exploring, observing, experimenting, etc. are some words leading to the overall improvements in the life's perceptions. 

Pawan Kumar,
18th April' 2014 Time 19:59 PM
(From my Shillong Dairy 06.01.2000 midnight)     

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