Kind Attention:

The postings in this blog are purely my personal views, and have nothing to do any commitment from Government, organization and other persons. The views in general respect all sections of society irrespective of class, race, religion, group, country or region, and are dedicated to pan-humanity. I sincerely apologize if any of my writing has hurt someone's sentiments even in the slightest way. Suggestions and comments are welcome.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

A Little Craving

A Little Craving

Deep stillness of my mind
I crave in the deep of my heart.
Where everything elopes in the one
And merges in identity of the Almighty.

Where all my happiness, agonies become alike
Where everything finds space in the calm ambiance.
When the cool, placid shadow of great tree
Shall try to take every one in its bosom.

When deep consciousness is there and I forget everything
When the Almighty himself is ready to embrace me.
The moments such I crave the most
And take the vastness of sky in my palm.

When I become ‘HE’ and He becomes me
There is no one but only me and He.
I shall think then goal of my life is accomplished
And the rest has come after long-long journey.

When the thinking takes me to ecstasy
When I find myself satisfied with my performance.
When my standards are consistently improved
When I am almost near to that ‘Ideal’ one.

When my mind takes me to depths of contemplation
When this pen starts writing the most beautiful mind.
When my strong craving is towards the higher ones
When I find self sitting in the feet of Buddha one.

When I stop babbling the unnecessary words
When I am able to fulfill my commitments.
When I become the trustworthy
And honesty, trustfulness and devotion imbibe in me.

I don’t want to be called as the inferior one
But if I am so today then shall not remain tomorrow.
I shall try to be really a gem
Whom the wise ones may probably recognize.

When I become part of the whole humanity
When all specks of universe become me.
Then no one is foreign and I am international
When all cosmic energy becomes part of me.

My words shall be today more articulate and meaningful
My life shall today be more lively and worthy.
My levels shall certainly improve today
And the richness of life shall amuse me.

I shall make my working atmosphere more placid today
Where work flow only be permitted to sound sweetly.
Where everybody realizes his responsibilities
And we become more duty-bound & disciplined.

Pawan Kumar,
15th November’2014 Time 17:01
(From my Shillong dairy 17th January’2001 Time 9:25 AM)

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