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The postings in this blog are purely my personal views, and have nothing to do any commitment from Government, organization and other persons. The views in general respect all sections of society irrespective of class, race, religion, group, country or region, and are dedicated to pan-humanity. I sincerely apologize if any of my writing has hurt someone's sentiments even in the slightest way. Suggestions and comments are welcome.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Life Churning

Life Churning

I have also come in this world to find a little space,
and that at its certain moment to experience life in time flow.

That time is perennial and I come for a small span,
Then swim like a float in river, enjoying meandering upheavals.
Sometimes feel sad when times are hard to it,
May be like in floods or droughts as in the dry summers.

When life of the river squeezes itself to small quantity,
Or becomes torrential, wild & cranky in floods causing much pains.
But there are times of serenity and calm flow,
When each wave is pleasing, appealing, smiling and advising. 

I taste all the facets of this great time flow
Sometimes sad or happy and at times quite equipoise. 
I think to be a part of that great space & time,
and proud for staying here with immense mass of humanity.

I become part of the world and it as heritage of me
It becomes cause of me and vice versa even in smaller scale.
May it be immaterial but I find solace is in the relationship,
and should not lose its track as I am its child only.

I must owe some responsibility towards it, 
and make its life a little better than before I came here. 
Many have worked very hard here, and enlightened the dark souls,
and soothed their ways by advising the right stuff.

I don't know much precisely what comes out of its own,
But contend even if not the best, it keeps some valuable discourse.
Keeps going on inside always whether we express or not, 
and keeps life numbing in this mortal body. 

Silence of the night but turbulence of the inner self, 
always keeps me forcing to do something & still more.
It enjoys my every moment with its all solitary advices, 
and continues life with all its reverberations. 

I  exactly do not know, of what stuff I consisted of, 
Every day comes & goes with some business in its moments.
Only little I understand of its constitution & why,
and I see much emptiness of heart & mind.

I neither know good speech nor good writing of some art
but only pass times with little efficacy in works. 
At times feel quite good with faith in efficiency, 
but it takes time for actual results that too of some worth.

So reduce your wastivity and add to the productivity, 
and produce some good stuff on which you can be proud.
Life will be meaningful and charming when you fully live in it, 
Deep thinking & modifying ways will always add worth to it. 

I am too much repetitive and circumvent in one idea, 
So try with others also to see some variety in the works.
Vividness then will come to thee, enhancing all arenas,
Horizon will expand enormous making presence everywhere felt.

If you are engineer, produce some project great
People will talk of its creativity and of the creator.
Be of some innovative mind, flourishing ideas  all around,  
and creating an ambience for goodness to abound. 

I need better words to write with some good source, 
and the subject to ponder upon, penning in that direction.
Where some unusual is born out of this diary page & pen,
My hand becomes beholder, moving under Almighty’s guidelines.

You have reduced me just for the voidness,  
but this will fill the space with my genius.
And I will not sit aimlessly and shall venture into aims,
and definitely attain  the heights of the proud moments.

So start from today onwards leaving the mediocre path, 
Do the best coming in your way by any cause. 
Carve some great sculpture out of this unshaped wooden block,
and bring the life to it as if to speak own.

People have stepped out by realizing their darkness,  
and then tried to illuminate selves by the trials hard.
They succeeded in all the pursuits they took,
and critics turned admires, and learnt some life's lessons.

Ocean is in the front, why to worry of voidness
Take as much you can with no reasons for the remorse.
Go and wetten the feet and try to search some precious,   
Know to swim and dive so as to fathom its depths great.
Resources are enormous, you just will to gain,
Never satiate unless you fulfill the cherished dreams. 
Dream as many you desire, and enrich your inner core
but leave the life of drudgery for enjoying prosperity of the soul.

Make a worth life and stuff it with good sense,
Live it fully by respecting all moments great. 
Fill with life and feel completeness in the soul, 
and the full awakening of speech, and works whatever you take.

Use good words by enriching vocabulary & correct spellings,
Remember friends and events feeling positive in mind. 
Always embrace the right ones dear to you, 
and have faith in you for doing all things well.

Pawan Kumar,
10th May'2014 Time 15:30
(From my Dairy dated 23.09.2013 Time 11.55 PM)

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